Tag Archives: water damage cleanup

Flooding is one of the most destructive natural events on earth

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Is Your Home Flooded?

Flooding is one of the most destructive natural events on earth. Floods can affect people, homes, businesses and entire communities. Most flood insurance coverage limits generally include water damage to homes and structures, but there are a few policies that specifically exclude flood coverage from standard homeowners insurance policy. Therefore, when choosing homeowners flood insurance, the policy must specify whether or not it is a flood policy.

Under the majority of standard homeowners insurance policies, flood damage isn’t considered to be a separate category of water damage. Because normal homeowner’s insurance does not cover flooding related to hurricanes, earthquakes and heavy rains, it is imperative to know how your particular insurance company defines a flood and whether or not you may benefit from added flood insurance coverage. If your home was recently damaged by a flood, it is wise to contact your homeowner’s insurance agent and ask what type of flood insurance they carry. In most cases, you will need to purchase additional flood insurance, regardless of whether your home has been previously damaged by a flood or not.

top rated Louisville water damage restoration

The cost of flood damage can quickly escalate, and with the help of a flood insurance company you can often get additional coverage for mold growth and other water damage concerns. Many insurance companies offer a policy known as Personal Property Insurance that covers damage that is specifically attributed to water damage. Because this type of coverage can be significantly more expensive than standard homeowner coverage, it is wise to talk to an experienced water damage attorney to discuss your specific needs and whether or not your home might make a claim under your personal property policy.