In the case of sleep apnea With respect to sleep apnea

The term “CPAP machine” is a colloquial term which refers to a machine that is referred to as a continuous positive pressure’ device and is typically employed to aid patients suffering from OSA or obstructive sleep breathing disorders, as well as the related breathing problems that are associated with the disorder. They’re used to keep the airway clear by moving moderated air pressure through the airways of the patient to ensure that breathing is preserved in sleep. The PAP machine is comprised of three parts consisting of a mask, motor, and tubing and there are a variety of models that have humidifiers. The sizes differ however, they are generally around the same size as a small radio, and are comparatively light. While they are utilized to treat breathing disorders that are caused by sleep but they can also be utilized to treat respiratory problems in children and adults.

Philips CPAC Lawsuit

In the case of sleep apnea With respect to sleep apnea, it is a CPAP machine is used to force the airways to be opened for sufferers who exhibit breathlessness while sleeping. Without the CPAP machine, those suffering from OSA are more likely to have laxity within their airways leading to obstructions during sleep. When this happens an airway that is not functioning properly can reduce the levels of oxygen that are present in the bloodstream. In this case, more serious problems can arise which include loud snoring and even death. The constant positive airway pressures of CPAP devices will therefore gradually open the airway for continuous breathing, and help maintain the normal oxygen levels throughout sleep.

Before using CPAPs the patient must undergo a sleep study by a sleep specialist. This test will determine the quality of breathing and oxygen levels, airway flow and snoring levels for the patient. To be able to have an CPAP machine for the patient, they must take this test. If a diagnosis is made (either severe or moderate OSA) then the patient is then able to get an CPAP from a local medical provider.

The infants can also be fitted with CPAPs when their lungs aren’t completely developed. In the case of premature births infants require an aid with breathing, and the use of a CPAP can be a viable alternative, and is generally less invasive than ventilators and other options.

If you look around for different kinds of PAP machines you’ll notice that there is a wide range of masks available, masks that cover the face in entirety or are designed to cover just the mouth or just the nose and nose at the same time. CPAP devices are also available in various sizes and can be incredibly adaptable. There are a variety of options to patients who are ‘CPAP-intolerant’ or who have difficulty wearing particular masks due their sleeping patterns or positions.

There are other machines referred to in the field of Auto CPAP machines (or AutoPAP) which are designed to adjust the levels of oxygen that is pumped into the system according to breathing patterns. These machines typically cost slightly more expensive, but they provide a wider range of treatments and frequently patients are able to see the advantages over traditional CPAP machines.