Medical Inventions Have Changed the World For Many People


The industrial revolution of the late 1800s was an unparalleled breakthrough for medical inventions and the advancement of modern medicine as a whole. Many commonly utilized medical tools can trace their roots to this period. Modern medicine can trace many of its important principles to this era, such as, for example, the germ theory and surgical sterilization. During the industrial revolution, new materials and practices were introduced that served to improve upon already existing methods and make the process more efficient. As new industries sprung up around the globe, medical professionals searched to identify and develop these emerging fields of study.

Some medical advancements made through the efforts of scientists and medical professionals were revolutionary, especially when compared to what had previously been available before. One of the most influential and popularly used medical device of the late 1800s was the cotton stocking. This apparatus was originally used to prevent the spread of cholera and was made out of a cotton material that did not allow the microorganisms to breed. This innovation has since evolved into the common plastic stocking that is still in use today. Another amazing invention came about during the same time period as the cotton stocking; this time it was called the hosiery machine.


When you consider the tremendous effect that medical innovations have had on the quality of life for so many people, it is easy to see how these discoveries and inventions would be so important to humanity if they had not occurred. The countless lives that are saved each year thanks to the medical invention of the wheel; you will likely agree that the benefits of a new medical device far outweigh the cost and the risk involved in developing one. In the case of new medical inventions like the wheel, many people would probably never have access to it if it weren’t for another invention; the sewing machine. Without this invention, many people would never have been able to afford quality clothing. These are just a few of the medical devices that have changed the way that we live.