Tag Archives: bathroom surgeon

Protecting Your Family by Hiring a Bathroom Specialist

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Bathroom repairs are not always as easy as they sound. Sometimes, there is just no way to determine whether or not a problem is minor or requires immediate attention. While this may seem like a time-consuming process, you don’t want to ignore an issue that could potentially be quite expensive and/or damaging. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to find the problem and make necessary repairs before it becomes a more costly issue.

If you suspect a leaking ceiling or floor tile in your bathroom, one of the first things you should do is take a flashlight and shine it around the area to see if you see any leaking. “A dripping shower is hard to detect, since the damage is usually hidden. Other serious cases may cause structural damage to the roof, framing, paint or plastering in the space beneath the shower, or even the drywall/ceiling mortar joints. Bathroom shower repairs are usually fairly straightforward and often can be done by yourself without the use of a professional contractor. However, it’s important to get your repairs completed right away, because a cracked shower head or leaking tiles can cause long term damage to your home.

bathroom surgeon

A quick trip to your local bathroom specialist should be enough to determine whether or not you need a professional plumbing contractor to help you. If you do, chances are good that the issue will be fairly easy to fix. For instance, leaking fixtures such as tubs and showers typically require only a few hours to repair, and depending on the location of the defect, you may never have to see a licensed bathroom surgeon again. However, if the leak is more extensive, or you suspect the presence of a dangerous mold growth, chances are that you will need to schedule an appointment with a licensed contractor in your area in order to ensure your safety and the continued enjoyment of your home.

Bathroom Surgeon – When Your Bathroom Tile Leaks, Do You Call a Professional?

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“A leaking bathroom drain can sometimes be hard to notice, since the damage is usually hidden. Serious instances may lead to structural damage to your floor, plastering/ paint, or the shower ceiling in the other room below your shower. Fortunately, however, most shower repairs are relatively easy and won’t require any major plumbing issues.

If you have a leaking bathroom drain, chances are it’s just a matter of calling a qualified and experienced bathroom surgeon. Not only does he have the tools and experience needed for the repairs, but most offer long years experience in this field. In addition, most offer a guarantee/warrantee on their workmanship and quality of workmanship. Some even offer a free initial consultation and will come out to assess your situation and do an estimate for repairs. These are invaluable when it comes to selecting a bathroom specialist who will use the best materials, and who has many years experience in this field.

bathroom surgeon

If your leaking bathtub, shower, or vanity sink tile is located above the ceiling, the first thing to look at is whether the tile meets building code. Generally speaking, if it doesn’t meet local building code, it’s time to find a new roof to put over it. Of course, if you have the proper tools, this shouldn’t be a problem, and your bathroom surgeon should be able to assist you with any necessary modifications. If your leaking bathtub, floor, or vanity sink tile is located in a second story area, chances are you have a bigger problem at hand…as many plumbing problems start in that second story and worsen through the rest of the home.