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Pre-diabetes is when the blood glucose levels are above average

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Your body absorbs glucose through the foods you eat in, your muscles and the liver also supply you with the sugar. The blood transports glucose to the cells in your body. Insulin, a hormone that is chemical that aids the body’s cells to absorb glucose. Insulin is produced by beta pancreas pancreas cells and it is then released into the bloodstream.

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If the body doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the insulin doesn’t function in the way it should, glucose cannot get into cells in the body. Instead, glucose stays in the blood, leading to an increase in blood glucose levels. The elevated blood glucose level can cause the condition known as pre-diabetes or diabetic.

Pre-diabetes is when the blood glucose levels are above average but is not enough to warrant the diagnosis of diabetes. Pre-diabetic levels increase the chance of the development of type 2 diabetes and stroke and heart disease. However, if you suffer from pre-diabetes, there are numerous ways to lower your chance of developing the type 2 form of diabetes. A moderate amount of physical activity along with a healthy diet that is coupled with small weight loss could help to stop the development of type 2 diabetes , and aid those with diabetes to restore normal blood sugar levels.

The signs of diabetes are excessive thirst and frequent urination, feeling extremely hungry, tired losing weight without effort or trying, the appearance of open sores that gradually heal as they heal, the skin dry, itchy and dry the loss of sensation or tingling in feet, and blurred eyesight. Yet, some people suffering from diabetes do not show any of these signs.

Diabetes can develop at any time. There are three kinds of diabetes: type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes can also be called the juvenile form of diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes. It’s typically diagnosed in teenagers, children as well as young people. In this form of diabetes, beta cells in the pancreas aren’t in a position to make insulin because they’ve gone through the destruction process of immune system of the body.

Type 2 diabetes may also be known as adult-onset or non insulin dependent diabetes. It can develop at any time, not just young children. This form of diabetes, it is caused by insulin resistance which is a condition where cells of the body do not respond properly to insulin. The pancreas produces more insulin to keep pace with the growing need for insulin. But, it loses the capacity to compensate for the body’s cells ‘ inability to effectively interact with insulin over the passage of time. The insulin can’t assist cells in absorbing glucose, resulting in blood glucose levels that are high. The type 2 diabetes is by far the most prevalent form of diabetes. A weight gain caused by eating a diet high in calories and inactivity increases the likelihood of developing this type of diabetes.

African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, as well as Asian as well as Pacific Islanders are at especially vulnerable to developing type 2 diabetes.

Gestational diabetes refers developing diabetes during the latter phases of pregnancy. The cause is the hormones that are associated with pregnancy , as well as a deficiency of insulin. This type of diabetes will go off when the baby is born however it puts mom and baby at risk of becoming diabetics of type 2 later on in life.

It is a very serious condition and if it’s not properly controlled it causes damage to kidneys, eyes as well as the heart, nerves gums, teeth, and gums. Diabetes makes someone more than two times more likely than someone who does not have diabetes to develop stroke or heart disease.

It is essential to maintain blood glucose levels as well as blood pressure and cholesterol in check to be able to avoid the serious issues that are associated with the disease. Making steps to manage diabetes could have a significant impact on one’s health.

Risk Factors and Prevention

Diabetes is a severe disease that has no cure. The control of blood sugar level, blood pressure and cholesterol can in preventing or reducing the risk of complications with diabetes like stroke and heart disease. Research is ongoing to discover ways to manage the condition.

Risk Factors

Diabetes type one is described as an autoimmune disorder. A condition known as autoimmune is caused by the body’s immune system that fights off infections and turns against a part of the body.

At present, it’s unclear what causes your body’s defense system to begin itself and attack and destroy the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. There are both environmental and genetic factors, like viruses, that contribute to the formation in the development of diabetes type 1. Researchers are trying to find these triggers and avoid developing type 1 diabetes for those who are at risk.

The condition is often associated with weight gain and high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels. Being overweight can hinder the body’s ability to use insulin properly.

Other risks include:

Family background of diabetes, possibly in a brother, parent or sister.

A person from African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian American or Pacific Islander, or Hispanic Latino/American descendance.

If you have a family background for heart problems.

If you have a background of gestational diabetic.

An inactive lifestyle


Simple changes to your lifestyle can prevent the development of diabetes type 2 in people who are at the risk. Here are some useful tips.

Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight can have negative consequences for health and could prevent the body from effectively utilizing insulin. Also, it may contribute to hypertension. Studies show that even a small reduction in weight could decrease the chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

Choose healthy foods. What we put into our bodies can have significant effects on our health and the way our body performs. Dietary habits can reduce body weight, cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Engage in physical activity. Find an activity that you like and which will get your heart pumping whether it’s walking fast or dancing, or even gardening. Be active for minimum 30 minutes per each day, seven days a week Research suggests that this can help reduce the chance of developing the development of type two diabetes.

Diagnostic and Symptoms

The term “diabetes” is often referred to as being a “silent” disease because people do not exhibit any symptoms or signs. Signs and symptoms of diabetes include regular urination and thirst feeling hungry being tired, experiencing fatigue and weight loss with no effort to lose weight, the appearance of open wounds that heal slowly with an itchy, dry skin lack of feeling or tingling sensation in feet, as well as blurry eyesight. However, some people suffering from diabetes do not show any of these signs.

Type 2 diabetes symptoms begin to appear slowly, while type 1 diabetes can develop more rapidly.

Doctors utilize a variety of tests to detect diabetes. Tests for diagnosing pre-diabetes and diabetes include tests for fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test, as well as an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). A random test for plasma glucose can be used to confirm the diagnosis of the presence of diabetes.

If one of these tests suggests that you could be suffering from diabetes Your doctor will want to run the test of fasting plasma glucose as well as the test for oral glucose tolerance on another day in order to determine the cause.

Since the type 2 form of diabetes is more prevalent in older people, particularly in overweight people Doctors recommend that people aged 45 or older should be examined for diabetes. If you’re aged more than 45 years old and overweight, having a test is highly recommended.

Adults who are older are at greater risk of becoming Type 2 diabetes, particularly those who are overweight. Doctors suggest that people older than 45 get tested to determine if they have diabetes particularly when they are overweight.

Diabetes is a serious illness that can cause disability, pain, and death. There are times when people show symptoms however they do not think they are suffering from the presence of diabetes. They put off scheduling a medical checkup since they don’t have a feeling of sickness.

Despite the possibility of developing diabetes due to weight and age status, many people delay seeking a test because they do not experience any signs. In some cases, patients experience symptoms but don’t realize they may have the result of diabetes. But, diabetes is a serious condition that when left untreated can lead to serious complications and death.

In many cases individuals aren’t diagnosed with diabetes until they suffer one of its symptoms like heart problems or trouble seeing. A timely diagnosis can help prevent or delay these issues which makes regular checkups more crucial.


It is not possible to cure diabetes but with the proper control of blood glucose levels and high blood pressure and cholesterol it can be controlled.

People suffering from type 1 diabetes utilize insulin injections, either through pumps or shots to regulate blood sugar levels. Patients with type 2 diabetes utilize oral medications either insulin or both, to regulate their blood sugar levels. In certain cases that are caused by type 2 diabetes one may rely on exercise and diet in conjunction to ensure appropriate blood sugar levels.

The management of your blood glucose requires many lifestyle modifications. This includes:

Make a plan for your meals that you can understand and the way your body reacts to different food items you consume.

Include physical activity in your day-to-day routine.

Make sure you take the right diabetes medicine and test your blood sugar levels in a way that is consistent with doctor’s recommendations is essential.

Treatment and Research Treatment and Research

Use a Meal Plan

In order to keep your blood sugar levels in the proper levels, it’s vital to make wise choices about the foods you consume. Diabetes sufferers should be able to establish a diet plan that is compatible to how their body reacts to different types of food they consume. If you’re interested, your doctor will provide you with the contact number of the dietitian or diabetes educator who can assist you in create a suitable meal plan.

When you are preparing your diet plan, many aspects should be taken into consideration like your weight, the amount of physical activities as well as blood glucose levels and any medications. A meal plan can assist you reach an appropriate weight for people who are overweight, in addition to helping to control blood sugar levels. A dietitian can help clear the misconceptions surrounding healthy eating and assist the family and you into a routine that is suited to your needs and your lifestyle.

It’s not required for those with diabetics to consume only specific foods. Foods which are suitable for everyone can be beneficial for people with diabetes as well. This includes foods which are low in salt, fat and sugar. Foods high in fiber like whole beans, grains fruit, vegetables, and other legumes are great options. Making good choices in your food can help you achieve and keep your weight in a healthy manner, regulate your blood sugar levels and help prevent heart disease.

Maintain a Regular Physical Activity

It is essential to stay active for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Research has demonstrated improved blood glucose levels among senior citizens and seniors who participate in a regular exercise program. Exercise has numerous health benefits, which are essential for those suffering from diabetes. It aids in reaching and maintain a healthy weight. It helps improve insulin functioning, which can lower blood glucoselevels, helps strengthen the lungs and heart, and improves the amount of energy.

If this is the first time exercise has occurred to you, consult your physician prior to starting. Certain types of exercises, such as lifting weights, are not suitable for those with eyesight problems and hypertension. Check with your doctor about your feet and your heart to ensure that you don’t have any particular issues related to diabetes. Additionally, ask your physician to suggest exercises that are suitable for you.

Be active and make it an integral part of your routine. Walk or ride bikes or even in the plant a garden. Try swimming or dancing or simply keep yourself active and active at work or in the home. Find different ways to exercise and find ways to improve your physical fitness throughout your day. Make sure you do some form of physical activity every day for at minimum 30 minutes. If you’re new at exercise, begin slowly then gradually increasing the number or intensity workout.



Type 1 diabetics and some with type 2 diabetes take Insulin to reduce blood sugar levels. Patients must take insulin when their bodies do not absorb adequate amounts. Insulin is a hormone in liquid form that is injected using injections or an insulin pump.

Diabetes Pills

In the majority of instances that are caused by type 2 diabetes the body produces sufficient insulin, but it isn’t effectively utilized in the human body. The use of diabetes pills is to treat this issue. Certain pills are taken daily while others need to be taken more frequently. It is crucial to ask your pharmacist or doctor when to take your medication. Also, make sure you consult your physician when you experience adverse effects or if your medications cause you to become sick. Also, keep in mind that diabetes medications are best used in conjunction to an exercise routine and healthy diet.

Other types of diabetes don’t require insulin or diabetes medications instead a balanced diet and regular physical exercise will help treat their type 2 diabetes.


It is crucial to track your blood sugar levels frequently through an instrument for monitoring blood glucose levels. Recording these levels in journals can be beneficial to gain an idea of the progress of your treatment. Some individuals must test your blood glucose level at least once every day, while others do every day. Discuss with your doctor the frequency you should check your blood glucose levels.

Monitoring your blood sugar levels will aid in identifying “highs” and “lows.” A condition known as hypoglycemia occurs when the levels of glucose fall to a low level. If this occurs, a person can become confused and shaken. In the event that blood glucose levels fall excessively, one could be ill. Follow the plan of treatment recommended by your physician and monitoring the levels of your blood sugar can aid in avoiding “lows.” If you are able to check your blood glucose levels and find it is low you could boost it by consuming beverages or foods that are sugary, such as juice from fruit.

A condition known as hyperglycemia is when the levels of glucose are excessively high. If blood glucose levels are too high, it may lead a person into an incoma. If you’re experiencing frequent “highs,” talk with your doctor. You may have to alter the treatment program.

ABCs in the Management of Diabetes

Diabetes sufferers are at a higher risk of having heart disease or stroke. This is why it is vital to keep track of your diabetes by using the “ABCs.”

A. A1C or the average blood glucose

B. Blood pressure

C. Cholesterol

A1C (A-one-C) test can be a great indicator of the level of blood glucose that is the majority of the time. If your test results are lower than 7 is a good sign you have diabetes in control. A test result higher than 7 indicates that the levels of blood glucose are too high. If your A1C level is too high, act. Consult your doctor about altering your treatment plan and lifestyle to help you reach your goals. In order to lower your A1C down to a normal level will allow you to avoid complications that come with diabetes like heart disease and kidney damage.

The high blood pressure could cause strokes kidney disease, stroke, as well as other complications. People with diabetes generally want to maintain blood pressure lower than 130/80. Make sure to check your blood pressure each time you see your doctor. If it’s too high, speak to your physician about ways you can lower it.

Cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is accumulating in the arteries of your body. If cholesterol levels are high the arteries begin to become narrow. This could lead to heart condition or even heart attacks. Patients with diabetes must try to keep their cholesterol lower than 100. Check with your doctor about your cholesterol levels, and if it’s high, talk to them about how to achieve your cholesterol goals.

Skin and Foot Care

The high levels of glucose and the decreased blood supply to the legs could cause nerve injury and loss of sensation. Inadvertent injuries can lead to ulcers that can result in an amputation. Due to this, taking care of your feet is essential for diabetics. Make sure to check your feet daily for ret spots, cuts or sores, infected nails and swelling. Make sure to report any problems to your doctorand make certain to get your feet examined every appointment with your doctor. Patients with diabetes are more prone to skin-related injuries and infections as a result taking proper care of the skin crucial.